

神さん屋4English edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Today’s consultant is a father who wants to stop his son from masturbating in front of him. He said that an evil spirit must have possessed his son and made him crazy. He wants us to exorcise the evil spirit, because he believes that it must be haunting him and making his son crazy. When Jalna hears this, he suddenly becomes angry. What is his true intention? d_512285

神さん屋4English edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Today’s consultant is a father who wants to stop his son from masturbating in front of him. He said that an evil spirit must have possessed his son and made him crazy. He wants us to exorcise the evil spirit, because he believes that it must be haunting him and making his son crazy. When Jalna hears this, he suddenly becomes angry. What is his true intention? d_512285


Yamawaki 被妻子趕出家門。 他請健身房的朋友岩田讓他過夜。 但他被拒?了,理由是那是一間只有一個房間的公寓。 不過,他還是堅持要讓她同意讓他過夜,但是...... 有一個叫 Hayato 的年輕人和他們住在一起。 三人上床睡覺,但一陣喧鬧聲吵醒了山?,他看到了什麼? d_512287


Yamawaki 被妻子趕出家門。 他請健身房的朋友岩田讓他過夜。 但他被拒?了,理由是那是一間只有一個房間的公寓。 不過,他還是堅持要讓她同意讓他過夜,但是...... 有一個叫 Hayato 的年輕人和他們住在一起。 三人上床睡覺,但一陣喧鬧聲吵醒了山?,他看到了什麼? d_512287


帰るのがめんどくさいと居座る●っ払い丸岡くん 角田くんの説得むなしく爆睡してしまう 眠ってる丸岡くんの股間の膨らみにイタズラ心が徐々に 理性が吹っ飛んでしまい・・・・ d_488165

とんでも異能力English edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

A world where all mankind has suddenly awakened to different abilities. A world where the pecking order is determined by the superiority of power In order to expand their power, the strong take in the weak. A righteous psychic helps the cornered boys But the boy’s unleashed ability made the men in the room into something terrible. ・・・・ d_493876

とんでも異能力English edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

A world where all mankind has suddenly awakened to different abilities. A world where the pecking order is determined by the superiority of power In order to expand their power, the strong take in the weak. A righteous psychic helps the cornered boys But the boy’s unleashed ability made the men in the room into something terrible. ・・・・ d_493876


The wives go on vacation and the two dads babysit their sons. They thought they were sleeping peacefully, but then they got a shock... They manage to get them to sleep and the dads get some adult time together. Gradually, a good mood develops. ・・・・ d_493879


The wives go on vacation and the two dads babysit their sons. They thought they were sleeping peacefully, but then they got a shock... They manage to get them to sleep and the dads get some adult time together. Gradually, a good mood develops. ・・・・ d_493879


At night, the park becomes a social gathering place for male desire. Under the cover of darkness, the males, regardless of their position, engage in intense sexual intercourse with each other. I am a hyena, searching for my prey today I’m after the best of the best I go after men after they’ve been fucked around, and here’s why: ・・・・ d_420028


At night, the park becomes a social gathering place for male desire. Under the cover of darkness, the males, regardless of their position, engage in intense sexual intercourse with each other. I am a hyena, searching for my prey today I’m after the best of the best I go after men after they’ve been fucked around, and here’s why: ・・・・ d_420028
cursed sword zero

cursed sword zero02【エロ同人をフル視聴】

The magic object that attacks Grande’s body A dark object clings to Grande’s body Jengo tries to help her, but she is mesmerized Jengo offers Grande to the mysterious object A sword Grande has never seen before appears before her eyes, and she holds it in her hand ・・・・ d_407233
cursed sword zero

cursed sword zero03【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Grande makes his mark with the sword he has acquired. The king summoned him and asked him to defeat Carsdrake. He went to defeat it alone, saying that he would become a nobleman if he defeated it. But he never returned. ・・・・ The true identity of the sword is revealed. d_420022


休日前にオナニーしてた辻さんは欲求不満がいまいち収まらない 休日はやりまくろうかと考えてる所に水漏れが 折角の休日が水道修理に取られてしまうのだが 現れた修理業者はかっこいいマッチョ あまりにも都合のいい展開にこれは夢だと気が付いてしまう だったらと・・・・ d_315299


両親の離婚で父親側についていくこととなり 狭いアパートで暮らすこととなってしまった 寝るのも一緒、寝静まった時に一人こっそり 楽しもうとするが・・・・ d_347964


ワクワクしながら寮の大浴場へ向かうゆーすけ そこへちょうど風呂に行こうとしていた四葉と出くわす パッとしない四葉にがっかりしていたゆーすけだが 脱いでみるとイケメンマッチョだった しかもそれだけではおさまらず・・・ d_348000


過去作のリメイク版です 大西君は報酬目当てで別部署の実験に協力します。 その実験とは脳はコントロールの精度向上の為の特殊な実験 アナルからアンテナを差し込むという実験に戸惑うが気持ちよくなってしまい・・・ d_454154

1roomsecond#03English edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Iwata and Yamawaki unfold before Takeda’s eyes. unable to hold back any longer, he pushes Hayato down. The two pairs of people intertwine with each other. What was the answer given by Takeda, who actually retired? d_476785

1roomsecond#04English edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Yamawaki and Takeda help Iwata move into his new house. Takeda warns Yamawaki about slacking off due to fatigue, but he asks a simple question. Somehow, the conversation turns to Takeda’s inexperienced technique Yamawaki teaches him a technique that makes him feel good. d_476787

Bacchus’ cupEnglish edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Arimori and Takabayashi are invited to go out for a drink by a junior colleague and reluctantly go out with him. They decide to send their younger colleague to stay over for the night. When they mischievously play with the strange bulge between their legs, it reacts and a huge cock of surprising size rises! The surprisingly sized cock rises up! d_298762

Bacchus’ cupEnglish edition【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Arimori and Takabayashi are invited to go out for a drink by a junior colleague and reluctantly go out with him. They decide to send their younger colleague to stay over for the night. When they mischievously play with the strange bulge between their legs, it reacts and a huge cock of surprising size rises! The surprisingly sized cock rises up! d_298762

Bacchus cup 2【エロ同人をフル視聴】

The three of them go out drinking again. They take care of Koyagi, who is drunk as before. They take advantage of the fact that Koyagi is asleep and start to play with his huge dick again. They stimulate him with lotions and rotors and make him blow his load! d_307318

Bacchus cup 2【エロ同人をフル視聴】

The three of them go out drinking again. They take care of Koyagi, who is drunk as before. They take advantage of the fact that Koyagi is asleep and start to play with his huge dick again. They stimulate him with lotions and rotors and make him blow his load! d_307318


A young man who is constantly invited and embraced by men. The frequency is extraordinary. He wonders if he is possessed by something, and goes to ‘Kami-san-ya’ for advice. The owner, Yarna, begins to explain the cause of his problems. d_435533


A young man who is constantly invited and embraced by men. The frequency is extraordinary. He wonders if he is possessed by something, and goes to ‘Kami-san-ya’ for advice. The owner, Yarna, begins to explain the cause of his problems. d_435533
That boy I’m interested in, the man of my dreams

That boy I’m interested in, the man of my dreams【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Mr. Shinma, the factory manager, who wears his subordinate’s work clothes without permission. The president of the company calls him out when his size is too small and fits perfectly. The new boss is Mr. Shinma’s type. His body reacts to the sexy boss and the boss finds out! d_435535
That boy I’m interested in, the man of my dreams

That boy I’m interested in, the man of my dreams【エロ同人をフル視聴】

Mr. Shinma, the factory manager, who wears his subordinate’s work clothes without permission. The president of the company calls him out when his size is too small and fits perfectly. The new boss is Mr. Shinma’s type. His body reacts to the sexy boss and the boss finds out! d_435535


トイレで挑発された中年の男 個室でたっぷりぶっかけられる また別の日にはサウナでハッテン行為 更に別の日には公園で・・・・ なぜ彼は立て続けに雄の交尾を楽しめるのか? そこにはある人物の思惑があった・・・ d_307623


トイレで挑発された中年の男 個室でたっぷりぶっかけられる また別の日にはサウナでハッテン行為 更に別の日には公園で・・・・ なぜ彼は立て続けに雄の交尾を楽しめるのか? そこにはある人物の思惑があった・・・ d_307623


気にしすぎる性格を何とかしてほしい そう依頼され催●術で鈍感にさせるヤルナ 何事にも大らかになった依頼者尾久さんは雰囲気が変わり 社内でも好感度が上がっていく そんな中通勤電車で置換されている尾久を同僚たちが目撃してしまう・・・ d_324791